Meet Lume: the world's first home compostable and non-toxic glow stick powered with bioluminescent enzymes!
The Lume is as bright and long-lasting as a regular glow stick, while being safe for people and the environment.
NASA Tested + Canadian Made + SDS Certified
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Regular glow sticks are made from hazardous chemicals and single-use plastic. Billions are used every year contributing to pollution, plastic-waste, and millions of calls to poison control centres worldwide.
The Lume fixes all that!
The Lume is powered with non-toxic enzymes instead of hazardous chemicals, and every part of the Lume, from the product itself to the packaging it is sent in, is home-compostable thanks to incredible innovations in microbially degradable bio-materials.
No garbage allowed!
Powered by bright yellow firefly enzymes, Lume Glow Sticks shine brightly for over 6 hours, and are visible up to 24 hours.
Perfect for most uses of regular glow sticks: camping trips, diving, fishing, marathons, parties and more!
Bioluminescence is light that is created by a living creature. At it's core, this light is created by the work of a tiny enzyme. At Lux Bio (creators of the Lume) we develop specialized long-duration bioluminescent enzymes to create light for the Lumes - using the same machinery bioluminescent creatures use!
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Lux Bio is featured on Season 19 of Dragon’s Den! We faced the Dragons and got them excited about bioluminescence and shocked them with just how big the glow stick problem is. Watch the full episode on CBC Gem Streaming Service!
After years of R&D to develop long-lasting bioluminescent enzymes, we are ready to build! Even with dedicated investors and industry partners, it is very(!) expensive to develop and manufacture new technology. With your support we will invest in production equipment and purchasing supplies in bulk. This will bring down costs dramatically and allow us to start competing with industry-grade glow sticks!
Our cutting-edge solutions are trusted by world-renowned institutions to push the boundaries of science and technology. Join the leaders shaping the future.
Our team of scientists, engineers, and business development is dedicated to bringing you the best experience possible and has been working on the Lume for years. But we can't do it without you.
Together we can change this industry!
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